In der letzten Ausgabe des Gestalten TV Podcast kommt der Künstler Arno Piroud zu Wort. Spannender Beitrag, sollte man sich anschauen!
Piroud ist u.A. auch vertreten im sehr lohnenswerten Buch “Urban Interventions: Personal Projects in Public Space”.
„Recognized recently for giving Parisians a place to sit in unlikely locations, Arno Piroud crafts together urban art works meant to bring a smile to your face. In fact, the Paris-based contemporary artist has been applying this spirited sense of humor to his sculptural work and street installations for more than decade. For’s latest podcast, we grabbed Piroud at the book launch of Urban Interventions at London’s Andipa Gallery and put him in a hot seat of our own.“
Bild: video screen shot