Der in Berlin lebende lettische Student Sergej Hein hat mit „Berlin Block Tetris“ eine sehr schöne Videoarbeit geschaffen. Die Arbeit bedient sich der simplen wie markanten Blockbaustruktur der Plattenbauten und lässt sie zu Tetris Spielsteinen werden.
Sergej Hein beschreibt seine Arbeit mit folgenden Worten:
„It´s kind of a parody about the former socialist building style. They use to build whole cities, without any change in House design or room layout to create cheep housing for workers (we call them Blocks). In Soviet times you could easily wake up at a friends place in another city and still feel like you are in your flat as the furniture was the same as well…
I was living in a Block on the opposite side of the street in Berlin 2 years ago. Living there remind me of my early childhood in Riga where we had nearly the same Bocks.
I think Alexei Paschitnow, the inventor of Tetris, had kind of the same Idea as me in spring 1984. I bet he was looking out of the window of his Block in Moscow and thought how do soviet architects actually plan this buildings?“
via: urbanophil.net