Nachdem wir vor kurzen über die Fertigstellung der Dokumentation Girl Power über Frauen in der Graffitiszene berichtet haben, steht nun die Deutschland-Premiere des lange erwarteten Films fest. Die Dokumentation, an der seit 2011 gearbeitet wurde, wird am 20. Mai 2016 erstmalig in Deutschland in der Berliner Urban Spree Galerie zu sehen sein. Die Filmemacherinnen werden an dem Abend ebenfalls in der Stadt sein.
Girl Power Screening
Urban Spree
Revaler x Warschauer
Doors: 20:30
Low Society: 21:00
Girl Power: 22:00
Entry: 5€
Veranstaltungsbeschreibung: „Urban Spree is hosting the Berlin Premiere of „Girl Power“, a much-awaited documentary movie presenting the underworld of international female graffiti writers.
Directed by czech female writer Sany, 7 years in the making, spanning 15 cities, portraying the work and lifestyle of 28 graffiti artists and photographers, Girl Power is an intense travelogue that embarks you from Prague to Moscow, Cape Town, Kabul, Sydney, Madrid, Berlin, Toulouse, Barcelona and all the way to the legendary New York pioneer Lady Pink.
The graffiti community is predominantly a man’s world, and men often share the view that graffiti is not for girls. And yet women have become increasingly more emancipated in recent years; there are female graffiti shows, magazines and websites. Girl Power captures the stories of ladies who have succeeded in the male graffiti world.
The screening will be preceded by the premiere of the czech hardcore graffiti documentary Low Society. The screening will be in the Biergarten, in presence of the director. The movie will be in VOST with subtitles in english Screen prints will be available on the projection’s night.“
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