„Spiritual Letters“ New Movie About the Life and Art of Mr. ParadoxParadise

21. September 2021
1 min read

Berlin based artist and graffiti writer Mr. ParadoxParadise just released his very first own long play movie. After 4 years of making it „Spiritual Letters“ is a 70 minute master piece, fully packed with art, graffiti writing, climbing action and a deep sense of words that is not usual for graffiti movies. The film is a story about the deep connection of the life and art of the artist. It takes you on a journey through Berlin like you have never seen before. Take a deep dive behind the scenes of the famous red and blue graffiti letterings that cover the heart of the city and tune into the connection between art, letters and spirituality. It’s absolutely worth to watch. We already did and highly recommended it.

Watch the Trailer of „Spiritual Letters“ by Mr. ParadoxParadise

If you you want to watch the full movie, it will be screened in in cinemas in Berlin and Hamburg several times during the next weeks.

➨18. September 22:15 Uhr
➨19. September 21:30 Uhr
➨ 24.September 22:30 Uhr

➨21.September 20:30 (preorder tickets here)

If you like to watch the movie at home and want to support the artist, you can go to the movies website spiritual-letters.com and stream the full movie. ‚Spiritual Letters‘ is the first independent & self-distributed movie where the creator is remunerated for his work exclusively through a crypto currency platform, the first project of its kind and a new path to independent authorship. If you are into crypto already you can easily just unlock the movie by transferring some $BNB. If you are new into crypto just follow the instructions on the website.

Mr. ParadoxParadise recently got featured by German-French culture TV ARTE „Tracks“ with a portrait and introduction of the upcoming movie called „Spiritual Letters“. It’s worth to watch it too. Watch the short TV feature first and then continue diving into the spiritual graffiti art world of Mr. ParadoxParadise by watching the full movie. Enjoy it.


Gründer von Urbanshit. Brennt für Urban Art seit dem er denken kann. Lebt und arbeitet in Hamburg.


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Gründer von Urbanshit. Brennt für Urban Art seit dem er denken kann. Lebt und arbeitet in Hamburg.

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