Vollständigkeitshalber will ich euch die Buchneuerscheinung nicht vorenthalten: Another Book about Banksy… Vor kurzem ist das Buch Banksy – Myths & Legends (collected by Marc Leverton) bei Gingko Press erschienen.
„No single living artist has created as many myths, rumours and legends as Banksy. Many of the tales in this book are from Bristol, some are from further afield. What they share is that they are all told with the wide eyed wonder which Banksy inspires. Collated between 2009 and 2011 some of these stories are quite old and have been told so many times they have become the stuff of legend, others are more questionable and best described as myths. Some are laugh out loud bollocks and others are simply gossip. You be the judge.“ (Auszug Buchbeschreibung)
Das Buch gibt es für 6,90 EUR im Buchhandel oder bei Amazon (Bei Interesse bitte den Partnerlink beachten, danke.)
Bild: Gingko Press