Die Kollegen von pop up city widmen sich unter dem schönen und sehr passenden Titel Play With Your City dem Thema Urban Interventions.
„As we know, urban interventions in the streets differ a lot. Not only for the scale or the media used but also, as Jan Vormann already pointed out in his interview, for the aim that the artist follows in the city. Claiming space in society, underlining social or political problems, performing an idealistic advertisement of your ideas and/or yourself or simply gathering people in the street and play a bit with the city. I would like to present hereby a pair of examples that I believe are made with a sincere playfulness and in which we can find a unique scale of interpretation. In particular, urban interventions which aim is to decontextualize already existing elements of the city. …
…artists surprise us everyday with their interventions and give their contribution, I believe, to the richness of the city in its contemporary form.“
Hier gehts zum Beitrag. Danke für die gute Arbeit und den wunderbaren Blog aus Amsterdam an dieser Stelle!
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