Der italienische Künstler Biancoshock hat eine neue Intervention in Mailand realisiert. Biancoshocks neueste Arbeit „NO JOY“ ist ein kritischer Kommentar zum Thema Carsharing, das sich in den letzten Jahren in vielen großen europäischen Städten etabliert hat.
Biancoshock hat das Logo des größten italienischen Carsharing-Anbieters neu interpretiert und die neue Version samt Rollstuhl auf die Straße von Mailand gebracht.
„Car sharing is a service that in recent years has established itself in many cities of Europe and the world. Many private and state companies are investing in this successful service, and they are comparing prices, more and more competitive services and offers. None of these companies has ever thought to extend the car sharing service for people with disabilities, handicapped, those people more than others needing assistance and a service that can assist them in daily journeys. For this action has been re-interpreted the logo of one of the most famous companies of Italian car sharing (Enjoy, promoted by the Eni Group) to highlight the lack of attention to the most disadvantaged. The action is not intended as a criticism of the specific mark, but a proposal to offer a new service to people who need more support: a success story that inspired the artist is „Wheeliz“ designed by Charlotte Vilmorine ( for more info click here).“
„NOJOY“ Biancoshock, Milan 2016 (Fotos: Biancoshock. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung)
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