Der Österreicher Knarf hat für seine kommenden Ausstellung „my year has 365 pages“, die ab Januar in der Wiener INOPERAbLE Gallery zu sehen ist, eine Wand in der Burggasse gemalt.
„Roa is gone, but Knarf nailed it with his colorful depiction of aquatic life. We have only heard good things so far from the neighbors. We are excited to see a local talent keeping up the bar after Amose and Roa showed Vienna what real talent can look like on a wall. The wall is alittle pre-promotion for Knarf’s upcoming solo show at INOP on January 27th. He will present his 2011 project “My Year has 365 pages.” Stay tuned for more updates from Knarf and the Lumpenpack.“
via: Mail
Bilder: INOPERAbLE Wien