Den richtigen Moment und die richtige Art und Weise für den geplanten Heiratsantrag zu finden, ist immer eine große Herausforderung. Eine ganz besonders imposante und zudem noch künstlerisch ästhetische Art und Weise wurde letztes Jahr in North Carolina ‚zelebriert‘. Der Antrag wurde mit den Worten „Emely. Will you marry me?” in riesigen Licht-Buchstaben in die Stadt geschrieben.
“I knew I wanted to find a very special way to propose to a very special woman. I liked the look of light writing, but I wanted to do something on a much larger scale. To my knowledge, a light writing of this size had never been done before.
I had the idea of placing a camera at the top of a tall building and mapping out the words “Emily, will you marry me?” over part of the city. I used Google Earth to check out the views from several large buildings in downtown Raleigh, N.C. Since none of the letters could fall on areas that were inaccessible by foot, the requirements for the vantage point were very specific.
I finally found the perfect spot – the top of the Clarion hotel. Luckily, the Clarion has a restaurant that is open to the public on the top floor. I went up one afternoon and snapped some pics for reference.” (The whole story)
via urbanartcore