Interview With Rallitox De La Fé About the Need of Non-Conservative Street Art

5. Oktober 2015
3 mins read
Human stickers serie. Crucified confused woman. Berlin 2015.

Tell us a few words about you and the art of Rallitox De la Fé.

I´m a fighter. Someone who tries to find the real meaning of freedom. All my art is connected with how can we be more free as true human beings.

Is Rallitox De la Fé your real name or a pseudonym?

It is a pseudonym.

You currently live in Berlin. Where are you from?

I was born in Barcelona, but since 4 years I’m here.

"I wonder how looks the guy behind the CCTV… And what do they do with all the material they have…" (DildoCCTV series. London 2015.)
„I wonder how looks the guy behind the CCTV… And what do they do with all the material they have…“ (DildoCCTV series. London 2015.)

You do cutting edge art that is exploring the limits of the „conservatively“ subject of street art. How would you describe your work?

I think that I´m exploring this limits just because I´m trying to fight in a different battle to what maybe most of the street artists are fighting to. My perception of the reality is that we are born in the Era of control (governments, media, army, religions, bankers, corporations, etc…) An era where control have improved their techniques of mass manipulation like never before. 

They are outside but also in our minds because we have been indoctrinated with their propaganda in a system that wants us to grow in a very concrete and ¨controlled ¨ direction…

So, we have two fights, one outside and another one inside of us … The only solution I found to break the control rules is the creation of chaos and Confusion using art. That´s the reason why I´m not interested in making only visual works. My focus is to confuse myself ant the citizens of this controlled society.

You just hit the streets of New York and London by walking through the city with a chicken in your face. What is the idea of the „Chicken in my face“ performance?

Its related to what I said before. Im not interested in bringing any rational and logical discussion outside. Im trying to work with the nonsense and the absurd to make people aware that actually our existence is in essence pure chaos. We can do things with no reason. We can be free and break our mental patterns. In other words: to act as if we would be insane but in a ¨consciously¨ way.

This was just a test. What will be the next step?

I will work more and more in this direction. With more volunteers probably. I´ve been also writing a book called ¨Confused Movement´s Manual¨ were I explain more about my theories and share with other people different ways to create ¨ organized ¨ Confusion using art. At the moment it´s only available in spanish but we are already working on the english version that will be soon available on my website.

Let’s talk about your ¨Human sticker series¨ you are performing on the streets of Berlin. How do people react on your performances in the streets? 

Most of the people doesn’t understand how can someone do something like that for no reason. Some asked if its an advertisement. When I tell them that it´s art, they look somehow relieved … That´s why I think that art is so important. It is one of the few things that can exists without a logical and rational basis.

I use to say that art could be the Trojan horse that could end the era of control. Because it has no rational purpose.

Human Sticker Series. Berlin 2015.

What are the rules of street art? Are there any rules?

I think that there are no rules. Just your mind. Try to confuse your mind. Surprise yourself doing things that you wouldn’t expect from yourself.

You recently have been revealing and working a lot. What projects will be come up next?

Im going to organize a big campaign to move the city of Berlin to Mallorca. Stay tuned.

Control control. Painting in New York. NY 2015
Control control. Painting in New York. NY 2015

Rallitox De la Fé’s Website
Rallitox De la Fé on Facebook
Rallitox De la Fé on Instagram
Rallitox De la Fé on Youtube

Discover more Street Art by Rallitox

All photos: Rallitox De la Fé. Courtesy of the artist.


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