// Als Nachtrag zum 20. Tag des Mauerfalls einige Bilder und Worte der Macher der schönen Aktion:
Berlin Tape Art Project recreates stories of the Wall
The „Go Beyond Borders Project“ was created for the 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall in conjunction with CNN International. For us it was a great opportunity to contribute to the celebrations and to collaborate with the famed Berlin Street Artist „El Bocho“. The art took five days to install and the completed collection was viewable in it’s entirety from Monday 09 November – the day the Berlin Wall fell 20 years ago.
Berlin Tape Art Project recreates stories of the Wall
The „Go Beyond Borders Project“ was created for the 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall in conjunction with CNN International. For us it was a great opportunity to contribute to the celebrations and to collaborate with the famed Berlin Street Artist „El Bocho“. The art took five days to install and the completed collection was viewable in it’s entirety from Monday 09 November – the day the Berlin Wall fell 20 years ago.
mehr unter: http://www.urbanartcore.eu/berlin-wall-tear-down-tape-art/ oder http://www.letterxiii.com/2009/11/el-bocho-video-collaboration-with-cnn-go-beyond-borders/ und http://www.welt.de/videos/lifestyle/article5159751/Tape-Art-illegale-legale-Kunst.html

Bilder: heimat-berlin
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