Die aktuelle Ausgabe des EB Electronic Beats Magazin, Issue 04/2009, widmet mit dem Artikel „Search for the ideal City“ einen mehrseitigen Artikel der Thematik der Existenz der Stadt. Der Artikel wirft neben allgemeinen Erkenntnissen über die Siedlungsform der Stadt , u.A. Fragen der Bedrohung urbaner Lebenswelten durch Gentrifizierung und globaler Austauschbarkeit auf.
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Cities are like breathing organism: unpredictable, inexplicable, ever-changing. And for the first time in history, more than half the world’s population lives in them. More than ever before, we look to cities for reinvention, and we come to them for rejuvenation, but could we also killing them? The City as we know it is in grave danger, not just from over-development and unbridled gentrification, but also from the forces of sameness that threaten to turn each one into a carbon copy of al the others. Just as urban living enters its golden age, the metrocalypse looms. Is there a way to stop it? (Electronic Beats Magazine, Issue 04/2009)