Im April erschein im Berliner Gestalten Verlag ein weiteres Buch zum Thema Urban Art. Wer sind die führenden Figuren in der weltweiten Street und Urban Art Szene? Das Buch versucht mit einer Auswahl von 100 Künstler, Kuratoren, Sammlern und anderen Persönlichkeiten und Institutionen, eine Antwort zu finden. Die 100 Schlüsselfiguren präsentieren sich jeweils mit einem Interview im 400 Seiten starken Buch. Beyond the Street: The 100 Leading Figures in Urban Art kostet 49,90 EUR. (Amazon-Partnerlink)
Release: April 2010
Price: € 49,90
Format: 24 x 30 cm
Features: 400 pages, full color, hardcover, quarter-bound with hot foil embossing
ISBN: 978-3-89955-290-4
„Beyond the Street is comprised of interviews with 100 key players in street and urban art from around the world, each of which is richly illustrated with inspiring images. Its impressive list of participants, as well as the unique diversity of their perspectives, makes the book an authoritative manual on these genres. For the first time, this 400-page tome brings together the direct points of view of leading artists and the most important sales outlets for street art as well as key commentators, collectors, and enthusiasts. Combined, these separate and distinct outlooks create a uniquely authentic collective portrait of street and urban art that is captivating, informative, and entertaining…“
Bilder: Gestalten Verlag