Um unbemerkt Graffiti zu malen, gerade tagsüber, muss man sich immer wieder neue Tricks einfallen lassen. Der italienische Künstler Biancoshock hat aus dieser kreativen Ideenfindung eine kleine Interventionsserie gemacht, die er seit 2014 in Form von „Graffitricks“ umsetzt.
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„The Graffitricks series includes five self-made tools, realized between 2014 and 2019, that ironize on the “getting up,” arising in the public space by writing your own name everywhere. This action, which has always been at the base of graffiti, leads writers to face the issue of being discovered, so they all have the need of figuring out a gimmick to avoid it. The series is based on this principle; giving suggestions about extreme but fun gimmicks that allow writers to do their works, tags, even in the daylight.“
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All pictures and videos by courtesy of the artist