Vor einiger Zeit haben wir hier auf dem Blog die Idee eines kleinen Startup aus Chile vorgestellt, die aus alten Fischnetzen Longboards bauen. Hier kommt nun eine weitere Idee, die in eine sehr ähnliche Richtung geht.
Mac Premo und Sanford Shapes produzieren das Bucket Board, ein Skateboards, welches aus altem Plastikmüll, genauer gesagt alten Eimern, hergestellt ist.
Do the Green Thing has teamed up with World Wildlife Fund-UK to curate the ‘Everyday Things’ collection: fifteen artists from around the world were asked to repurpose daily objects and show how creativity can lead the way in encouraging people to live a greener lifestyle. When artist Mac Premo was asked to contribute to the collection, he partnered with Sanford Shapes to create skateboard decks made entirely out of material lifted from a dumpster. Mac then made this film which shows the process and inspiration behind the Bucket Board.
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via kraftfuttermischwerk | All Images © By the Artist