Schon mal vormerken: Vom 19. – 25. September findet das Perffusion Festival in Straßburg statt. „Ob unsichtbares Theater, Performances, Guerilla-Architektur, Workshops, Street Art, Spielplätze – ein gesamtes Gelände soll neu bespielt werden!“ Der Call for Entries ist gerade vorbei, ich bin schon gespannt auf die ersten Namen! Wir sehen uns im September in Straßburg!
„Perffusion – territory where anything is possible – is an exeperimental reinvestment project of public spaces from a neighborhood with the mobilization of its inhabitants.In 2011, for its third edition, the project lands in the “Gare – Laiterie” quarter of Strasbourg from September 19th to 25th. It will be a week of interventions to explore every possibilities of the urban environment!Program : visual installations, sound, digital projects, workshops, performances, residencies, flash mob, urban furniture, artistic journey – on facades of vacant premises, walls, green spaces, fallows, furniture, playgrounds, places…made by more than 30 to 60 local, national and international contributors.“
via: rebel:art
Bild: Perffusion