Das nenne ich mal kreativen Protest. Unmissverständliche Nachricht an die Polizei und Stadt von Studenten in Quebec, die aktuell gegen die Erhöhung der Studiengebühren demonstrieren. Die Karte zeigt die beantragte Demonstrationsroute. Großartige Protest- und Kommunikationsform.
Hier ein Kommentar zu den Hinetrgründen von Isabelle auf facebook (thanks!) „Here some explaination: Student in Quebec demonstrate against the raise of 75% of university tuition. Government is corrupted and don’t want to negociate. The population is divided, the media are controlled and send the message the student are spoiled brat, the police is recognized to make an abusive use of violence. Of course there is some extreme group who commited some violence act. As an answer to get back the controlled of the situation, the government suspended the session and adopted a liberticide law restraining the right to demonstrate -demonstrator have to communicate the place, the route and time of the demonstration if not, people can be arrested and convicted of hive from 1k to 5k for demonstrated, 7k to 35k for spoke people and 25k to 125k for student association -pro day! this law- bill 78- is against the constitution therefore now the population go out every night à 8 o’clock with pans making noise to communicate their opposition. meanwhile the police began to do massive arrestation -500 people on wednesday night in mtl, and over 100 in quebec city and it is not over. That explaine this picture who show the path of a demonstration who has a clear message..“
Bei flickr gibt es viele Bilder von den Protesten.
via facebook
Photo: Pedro fait de la Photo