Der argentinische Street Artist EVER reist gerade durch Europa und hat u.a. auch einen Stop in Wien gemacht. Dabei ist in Zusammenarbeit mit der INOPERAbLE Galerie das schöne Mural mit dem Titel ‚The Arrival‘ entstanden.
Argentinean artist EVER spent a week freezing his butt off in Vienna to paint this great piece for INOPERAbLE.
The area around Spittelau in Vienna continues to develop nicely. EVER was able to put up a mural alongside his longtime friends ROA and JAZ despite freezing weather. Below are a few pics of his ordeal. The artwork itself reflects his time in Vienna, a city which he has come to love, and was deeply influenced by his impressions of the city and the people who inhabit it.
via Mail | all images © Inoperable