„All About Mistakes“ Urban Intervention by Studio URMA in Lisbon

10. Juli 2017
1 min read

Berlin based urban art and architecture Studio URMA spend some intense time in Lisbon where they realized a new project and urban intervention named „All About Mistakes“. Studio URMA developed a computer generated pattern that is influenced by urban structures and used as street art. For the project they made a solo show, screen prints and a bigger mural.


„In the age of global digital-social networking in which we all partake, Studio URMA, in the present work, seeks to confront the inception and manipulation of information.

Thinking back to our childhood, everyone might remember playing a game of ‚whisper down the lane‘ which has the children form a circle or a line. The first one thinks of a word or phrase she then whispers into the ear of the next who silently passes it on until the message reaches the last child in line. He will recite openly what the ’silent post‘ delivered to him. The jibberish that comes out at the end naturally causes laughter.


Relaying this principle to the flood of information of news media and its consumption, we might realize that information, from the moment of its inception, moves in a kind of loop until it reaches us. As it happens, crucial elements of context are washed out or are being consciously manipulated. Consequently, their truth-value and credibility are being contested.

In this context, the present work of Studio URMA draws on the theory of simulation as developed in the works of Jean Baudrillard and published under the title of ‚Simulacra and Simulation‘ in 1981.

As a foothold this will serve the artist to develop a method to project the issue of information, as diagnosed above, into a highly aestheticized framework to be presented to the public. Starting from a perfect circle and by means of reproductive technology like photocopy the given information is being multiplied whilst through movement errors are being added to the initial shape of the graphics. Information cut across and overlay each other and a transformation takes place that is subject to malformation. The circle dilates, its contours fade as does its perfect immaculacy that used to define its privilege as a perfect body. The process repeats until no reference to the initial shape is left. From this results a library of 280 varying patterns which are presented as a black and white collage.

The total work consists of screen prints, sculptural and real-time audiovisual installations.“

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Text: Studio URMA (Website)


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