Wir haben die animierten Graffitiarbeiten des britischen Künstlers Insa schon mal hier auf dem Blog vorgestellt. Insa war soweit wir wissen der erste Künstler, der das Format animierter GIFs in Verbindung mit Graffiti verwendet hat und seine Murals ausschließlich im Nachhinein online für den Betrachter zugänglich gemacht hat.
Nun hat Insa in Rio für Ballantines das weltweit größte animierte GIF-Graffiti gemalt. Das ganze wurde in einem rund 3 1/2 minütigen Videoclip festgehalten.
In late 2014 we travelled to Rio De Jaeiro for our fourth global #StayTrue Story – with globally-renowned ‘GIF-ITI’ artist INSA. With a team of 20 we set out on a uniquely ambitious art project; to create the world’s largest animated GIF. The giant animated artwork – the most ambitious of its kind ever attempted – was painted on the ground in Rio in four stages, over four days, and measured a total of 57,515m2 (made up of four images measuring 14,379m2 each), with all the action captured in our film.
Staying True to his genesis as an artist but with a passion for experimentation and innovation, London based INSA is best known for creating ground-breaking ‘GIF-ITI’: amazing animations of his graffiti designs which culminate in looped GIFs – an innovative and labour-intensive process which requires him to repaint a design by hand many times, with each image changing slightly each time, before combining them to create a final GIF. INSA’s work has been displayed around the world, both at street level and in high profile exhibitions and media, including within London’s Victoria & Albert Museum and Tate Britain.
via ilovegraffiti | All Pictures © By the Artist