Vielleicht ist ja jemand Anfang des Jahres in New York. Am 10. Januar 2010 ist es wieder soweit, ein Tag ohne Hosen in New York. Improveverywhere ruft zum 9. mal zum Mitmachen bei der Aktion ‚No Pants!‘ auf.

The 9th Annual No Pants! Subway Ride will take place on Sunday, January 10 in New York City. More info with the meeting point and start time will be posted to this site in early January. For now, save the date. You can RSVP on Facebook.
Once again we are encouraging folks in other cities around the world to stage their own No Pants rides on the same day. Here is the list of cities who participated last year. Anyone organizing a regional No Pants event should let us know by leaving a comment on this post along with all of the necessary details. In a few weeks we will publish a list of all participating cities along with links to any Facebook events. Groups have staged the event on trolleys, light rails, and buses in the past, so don’t let a lack of subway system stop you!
If you are unfamiliar with this tradition, you can read the history here: The No Pants Subway Ride. And here’s last year’s video (improveverywhere, 2009)