Mittlerweile schon ein wenig älter… aber für den ein oder anderen sicherlich interessant: Beitrag „Advertisers and street artists swap tactics in Berlin“ der Deutschen Welle über StreetArt und Werbung in Berlin.
„Advertisers and street artists swap tactics in Berlin: In a fight for attention, ads and street art are doing a switcheroo. Street art is imitating sleek corporate campaigns, while ads are now using graffiti-style maneuvers to promote products – sometimes illegally. Something is not right with this iPad poster in a Berlin subway. Above the words „Easter Celebration,“ a topless blonde dons a risque bunny suit, legs spread wide. Above the label „Garden Party,“ there’s a photo of two beetles mating on a leaf, then a couple doing the same on a bluff above the words „Hiking Trip.“
Each innocuous phrase is meant to be the title of a photo album label on the iPad ad at the Rosenthaler Platz metro station, but has been made ridiculously bawdy by a street artist’s changes. This mixing of territories and styles between two parties who usually find themselves at odds – ad-posting agencies and street artists – is making for a kind of war in the heart of the German capital.
Our modern eye is so accustomed to ads – whether in the form of browser pop-ups or spam emails – that we hardly notice them anymore. But it’s the classic print ad – those hanging on billboards or plastered over the windows of empty shops – which has become the battlefield in the fight for attention in the public sphere. This phenomenon is not unique to the German capital – it reaches from advertising mecca New York City to the booming market of Brazil – but is intensified by Berlin’s never-ending construction sites and myriad empty storefronts.
Something is not right with this iPad poster in a Berlin subway. Above the words „Easter Celebration,“ a topless blonde dons a risque bunny suit, legs spread wide. Above the label „Garden Party,“ there’s a photo of two beetles mating on a leaf, then a couple doing the same on a bluff above the words „Hiking Trip.“ Each innocuous phrase is meant to be the title of a photo album label on the iPad ad at the Rosenthaler Platz metro station, but has been made ridiculously bawdy by a street artist’s changes. This mixing of territories and styles between two parties who usually find themselves at odds – ad-posting agencies and street artists – is making for a kind of war in the heart of the German capital. Our modern eye is so accustomed to ads – whether in the form of browser pop-ups or spam emails – that we hardly notice them anymore. But it’s the classic print ad – those hanging on billboards or plastered over the windows of empty shops – which has become the battlefield in the fight for attention in the public sphere. This phenomenon is not unique to the German capital – it reaches from advertising mecca New York City to the booming market of Brazil – but is intensified by Berlin’s never-ending construction sites and myriad empty storefronts. […]“ Weiterlesen…
via: just
Bild: flickr / fiordiblog