Es gibt noch ein paar letzte Exemplare des Street Art Porn Kalender (kuratiert von Alain Bieber aka. rebel:art) und die werden jetzt für 9,90 EUR inkl. Porto rausgehauen. Hier geht’s zur Bestellung.
I can has cheezburger, porn and street art? Ja, kannst Du! Herzlich willkommen zum ersten lolstreetart Kalender – mit insgesamt zwölf neuen, harten, geilen Arbeiten der besten und humorvollsten Street-Artists der Welt. Achtung: explicit visuals!
Featuring: OX, France, MR TALION, Germany, VARIOUS & GOULD, Germany, HOMER, Ukraine, TILT, France , BRONCO, Germany , MATHIEU TREMBLIN, France, ELFO, Italy, TONY WEINGARTNER, France, SPY, Spain , BORIS HOPPEK, Germany, HARMEN DE HOOP, Netherlands
You´re still not sure if you understood the theme? Let me explain: MILF, bukkake, cumstache, deepthroat, teabagging or Dirty Sanchez – pornography created the Internet. Today 12 percent of all websites contain porn, 25 percent of all search-engine requests made every day are about porn, that´s around 68 million a day, and 35 percent of all Internet downloads are porn. After porn mankind created lolcats. The net is the best thing that ever happened to cats. Who would have ever imagined that the Internet, once invented for military purposes and expanded for communication among scientists, will become a global spank bank and a worldwide cat picture distribution system?
But where is the connection to street art? Street art is characterized by a simplified and grass-roots democratic approach that allows anyone to produce and present art – simply and inexpensively. Using the Internet, today´s artist can also gain wide recognition rapidly without the aid of gallery owners, PR agents, or curators. Just as music groups can disseminate and sell their songs through social networks and video platforms, works of street artists get viral on the net and artists are able to make their first breakthrough. Lolcats (LOL for „laughing out loud“) became a global mem, a big running gag for geeks and nerds. And like nerds are making their jokes in virtual space, street artists are hacking the public space for their in-jokes. Graffiti started with classical seventies tagging and style writing, evolved into artful calligraphic and three-dimensional images, then came the stickers, spray stencils and the experiments with temporary sculptures and illegal interventions. It was a long and serious fight for acceptance, but now, after graffiti and street art is almost a mainstream phenomenon and universally accepted in the art scene, with its own museums shows, specialized art galleries and collectors… now comes the humor. Today’s street artists, like hackers and nerds, are mostly acting anonymous and subverting the system, they’re all playing with space, remixing art history with pop culture and political activism, creating context-sensitive works with great passion and fun. The postmodern European street artist seems to be the new king´s jester. Laughing out loud about the whole situation – without really having the power to change it. Irony replaced the utopia! The new motto is: If we cannot make the world a better place, let´s make it a funnier place! „I did it for the lulz“ is the new motivation – on the net and on the street. Hope you´re laughing out loud with this first lolstreetart calender ever – and never forget: It´s all about the pussy, my friend!
We did it for the lulz:
Curated by: Alain Bieber
Layout: Matthias Müller
Production: Andreas Ullrich
Cover & Print:,
Release: October 2011; Price: € 19,90; Format: 29,7 x 42 cm; Features: 14 pages, full colour, serigraph cover