Die Video-Collage „Represent“ vom us-amerikanischen Künstler Ryan Spring Dooley verarbeitet in gekonnt eleganter Weise die Zeichnungen des Künstlers zwischen StreetArt und Illustration; vermittelt in einer spannenden Wechselbeziehung zwischen Straße und Galerie.
Die Arbeit entstand für die ‚Urban Painting x mas Show‚ in Mailand (17. bis 28. Dezember)
„This work is attempting to represent the process of Street Art and its Gallery explanation by sketching on walls for an In gallery painting representing a Street Parade, mixing technical suggestions from the outside work together with the studio painting in an animated process. „Represent“ is a work being prepared for the Urban Painting x mas show in Milan, from the17th to the 28th of Dicember, Spazio Concept, via Forcella, 7 The finished painting will be released together with a finished film documenting relative Gallery area street work inside the continued animation“ (Wooster Collective)
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