Offf Artist Feature – Hungry Castle is doing Public Art Inspired by the Internet

31. Mai 2016
1 min read
We visited this years Offf, one of the world leading art and design festivals in Barcelona. There we met Hungry Castlea Barcelona based art and fashion studio we want to introduce to you. Hungry Castle aka Cool Shit is focussing on pop and internet inspired interactive artworks. In there studio they create huge inflatable sculptures that are traveling around the globe, bringing internet meme to real life’s world.

Hungry Castle „Poo Mobile“

Obvious you do cool shit. Tell us something about you and your projects

We make huge pop inspired interactive artworks. The key ingredient is always PLAY. 

Where is your studio based?


Lionel Richie’s Head“ it’s a giant inflatable sculpture of Lionel Richie’s Head. An interactive artwork that drew praise from the likes of Stefan Sagmeister, Rob da Bank and even Lionel Richie himself.

You focus on „Public Art Inspired by the Internet“. Can you explain the concept behind this story?

Yeah. We find something that is trending. Lionel Richie’s Head on a cheese biscuit for example. Take that shit and turn into a unique artwork that doesn’t make sense until you see it. 

Lionel Richie’s Head still tours around the world to this day. London, New York and soon to be in Tokyo. When you get inside his brain he speaks to you through his telephone. “hello, is it me you’re looking for”.

What we need is to not take ourselves too seriously. Life is fun. Get out of your comfort zone and experience or do something new.


„Big Bird“ is a Hungry Castle art piece made of polystyrene and fibre glass that’s specifically designed to cover viewers in colourful lucky shit.

Why you chose the name Hungry Castle? Are you hungry for what?

Hungry for the world. We want to connect our art with as many heads as possible. The art is free and we want to share it in a city near you.  

A giant inflatable sculpture of „Nicolas Cage in a cage“. It was a meme come true when Hungry Castle presented Nicolas Cage in a cage to over 30,000 people at Splendour in the Grass in Australia. Their largest stand-alone sculpture to date explores the polarising reaction the Hollywood actor attains online.

cool-shitCool Shit“ Clothing

Nice to meet you at this years OFFF.

Yeah man. See you at the gift shop 

Hungry Castle’s Website
Hungry Castle on Facebook
Cool Shit Online Shop


Big thanks to Adobe who invited us to be part of this years Offf 16 in Barcelona. We had some great time meeting great people with inspiring ideas and stunning artworks.


Gründer von Urbanshit. Brennt für Urban Art seit dem er denken kann. Lebt und arbeitet in Hamburg.


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Gründer von Urbanshit. Brennt für Urban Art seit dem er denken kann. Lebt und arbeitet in Hamburg.

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