Miami And Hamburg Have A Lot In Common

5. Dezember 2016
2 mins read

Millerntor Gallery goes Art Basel Miami – Day 8

Thank god it’s Friday! (Yes, for you it’s probably Monday already when this is going to be published but well… the weekends in Miami don’t allow too much of writing). Friday was the last day of our gallery installation, at least here in Florida. Fortunately, we will be able to bring it to our beloved home port HAMBURG! I’m sure, people in Hamburg will like it was much as here in Miami. After all, both cities have a lot in common: ocean, beach, palms, art, culture and crazy people. Only in the temperature and the amount of rain they might differ. And okay, and our palms are made out of metal at Park Fiction in St. Pauli, but still beautiful.

Our attention and passion this Friday morning was also in St. Pauli: home match at Millerntor! With a projector, German server and Sky Go, a lot of flags and beer, we turned the living room into the stadium. Our friend Philipp Heerwagen got in the game and did great (bravo!). Unfortunately, there was not only no goal for the other team, but neither for us.

In the afternoon we went in front of Context, another part of the things going on around Art Basel. Moto Waganari caught me with his incredible little sculptures: human beings that seem to fly through the space. Mark Jenkins (title photo) formed human beings in life-size: a gang of three guys with hoodies and baseball bats.


Errol from Ramba Zamba, Bobbie Serrano and the Low Bros painted new murals at Electric Pickle. (No worries, you will see photos of the Low Bros mural in the next article, I promise!) We took the opportunity, to celebrate at the club and bring the rolling gallery in action for the last time. To complete the artist list of the other article: Thank you to BARBARA., BJÖRN HOLZWEG, CARS10, FLYING FÖRTRESS, FROST, ISAKOV, HEIKO MÜLLER, IT’S THE VIBE, JENS-OLE REMMERS, JIM AVIGNON, JOBRAY WRITER, KARTEL, MAXIMILIAN MAGNUS, NICO SAWATZKI, NILS KASISKE, PAPA SHABANI, PUSH, REBELZER, ROCKET & WINK, SASAN, TESE, ULI PFORR and WE ARE BÜRO BÜRO. Awesome works you gave us for this trip, the people felt inspired!


Our last night was great, the passersby by were interested in us, in the Kuttique, in the artworks and in what we are doing with Viva con Agua. I think we accomplished our mission very well: We brought a new perspective of showing and selling art into the Art Basel context (art can create water instead of more champagne), we spread the vision of Viva con Agua – ALL FOR WATER. WATER FOR ALL, we supported our artists with bringing color on the walls and we exchanged the cultures of Hamburg and Miami.


To complete the story of the day: we went to the other side of the street and found a party that could have been exactly like this in Uganda. A garden with pavilions as the bar, a lot of dancing, drinks in plastic cups and Hip Hop with Afrobeats. So we did a short getaway to our friends from Viva con Agua Kampala. The perfect ending of the night.


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