Die Arbeiten des Künstlers Will Coles gehen weiter über das Gewohnte von Street Art hinaus. Der australische Bildhauer und Street Artist schafft Skulpturen und gegenständliche Abbilder aus Beton, die er im öffentlichen Raum in Städten weltweit hinterlässt. Aktuell verbringt Will Coles zu unserer großen Freude einen längeren Artist in Residency Aufenthalt in Hamburg und arbeitet den Sommer über an gleich mehreren neuen Projekten.
Einweihung „My Name Was“
Samstag, 11. August 2018
15:oo Uhr
Ohlsdorfer Friedhof, Kapelle 7
Eines seiner neuen Projekte, an denen Will Coles gemeinsam mit der Galerie Oberfett seit mehreren Wochen arbeitet, ist die Installation „My Name Was“. Anlässlich der morgigen Einweihung auf dem Ohlsdorfer Friedhof haben wir mit dem Künstler über die Kunstinstallation und die Idee dahinter gesprochen. Ab dem 11. August und bis zum 10. September wird die Skulptur auf dem Parkfriedhof in Ohlsdorf öffentlich ausgestellt.
Bild: Oberfett
Hi Will. Great to have you to back in Hamburg!
You’re just about to do the final steps for your upcoming installation „Hello My Name Was“ at Friedhof Ohlsdorf. Tell us something about the idea of the installation?
The idea of the installation was about you leave behind when you die. Do you care? Why should you care? How much of your life is owned by a corporation and therefore how much of your existence is shaped and owned by them? This is the extreme realisation of of what would happen if big business processed ever your death and burial, in a factory-like mass production complete with the pretence of care and informality. I think it’s important to be part of something bigger, creating projects you may never see completed in your life time.
Bild: Oberfett
Working at a cemetery is quite special. Did you ever work at a cemetery before? I just imagine going to the cemetery board and asking to set up a street art installation … They probably never got this kind of request before. How was the reaction?
The cemetery were great about it and were really up for the idea. I think initially they thought it strange but they understood now the sculpture is finished, it makes sense. I have shown at HIDDEN – a sculpture exhibition in Sidney – which is held in the oldest cemetery in Australia but never specifically designed for a certain area.
This installation was made for the particular area near Kapelle 7 at Ohlsdorfer Friedhof as the original idea was one I had in Hamburg a couple of years ago.
Which names are written on the gravestones? Just fictional names? Will be the name Will Coles also be part of the Installation?
Half of the stones were bought by sponsors so they got their names on them, the rest are friends from around the world. There is a Will one, right at the back, hiding. Also, the idea is a nod to the use of Hello: My Name Is stickers within the graffiti community.
Bild: Stefan-Manzow
What will happen with the gravestones afterwords?
Half of the stones have been bought already by those named on them, the rest can just go wherever and whomever at the end.
You are on a longer stay in Hamburg and „Hello, My Name Was“ is not the only thing you’re working on during your time in Hamburg. What else is happening the next weeks and month?
I’m in MS ARTVILLE festival which is about to finish, I cast them some larger pieces, like a concrete washing machine called FINITE. It’s about the contemporary mass production of goods that have built in obsolescence almost built-to-fail.Western capitalism demands infinite resources and an infinitely growing market (population) but we’re on a (finite) planet with finite resources. There will be other concrete pieces – large and small – appearing around town too.
Bild: Stefan-Manzow