Art And Water Are Not For Everyone

29. November 2016
1 min read

Millerntor Gallery goes Art Basel Miami – Day 4

What happened today? One of the group slept on a boat, the other one broke up with his girlfriend (that he met in a hardware store the other day), and a third one installed the light for our rolling gallery. Since we’re here for art and water, I’ll continue with the last story (the other ones you will hear when you meet us on the street). Now is the time to explain why Viva con Agua and Millerntor Gallery decided to do that trip to Miami.


Water and Art – The global art market has a sales value of more than 60 billion dollars. At the same time, big companies are selling bottled water for 1000 times the price that is actually its value while more than 600 million people don’t have access to fresh water. Both, art and water, lost its relation to money.

Water and Art for All – We want all human beings on this planet to have access to fresh drinking water – and access to art and culture. To reach the water aim Viva con Agua uses the universal languages of music, sport and art (where it concludes again). The Millerntor Gallery is a perfect example for this: we put art inside (and outside) of a sport space (a football stadium). We add some music, dance and workshops to it and call it a festival. We invite everybody to join us. All participants of the festival in any way grow together as a collective. And in the end we celebrated and danced a lot, we brought color into town and we made profit from selling artworks. And this money is then supporting water and sanitation projects in the Global South.


Art creates water – we want to transport our vision to Miami. Here is a lot of art going on, so why don’t we show people a new perspective of buying artworks and transform it into water? We do it our style: action, art, family. This is why we are having a lot of fun, taking pieces of our family artists with us and traveling with good friends.

By the way, Millerntor Gallery is supported financially a lot as well. For this project, we want to say thank you to Hamburg Marketing, Billspot and Stephan Schneider for making it possible to take the cultural energy of Hamburg, Sankt Pauli, across the pond.

As you see, you can support the vision of WATER FOR ALL in many different ways. You can donate time, skills, energy and money. For the last one you can go right away: Check and donate.


What else happened today? Bobbie Serrano almost finished our rolling gallery (art), Ramba Zamba went to see the basketball match Boston Celtics against Miami Heat (sport) and Low Bros worked on their current mural (while probably listening to good music).

Tomorrow we’ll start the action: hanging 31 artworks and bring it on the street!


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