Die italienische Künstlerin Alice Pasquini ist im November 2014 nach Cape Verde gereist. Dort hat sie zwei Wochen als Artist in Residence auf Einladung des Festival 7 Sois & Luas gearbeitet. Entstanden sind einige wunderbare große und kleinere Arbeiten auf den Inseln Santo Antão und Fogo. Zudem hat Alice uns ein paar schöne Impressionen von der Reise geschickt.
I just spent two weeks, from November 2 to 15, on the islands of Santo Antão and Fogo in Cape Verde. I was there to complete a residency organized by Festival 7 Sois & Luas. The thought of a long time in a far away place was exciting for me because I’ve been looking for some new inspiration and I’ve always found that going someplace so different than home is one of the best ways to expand your horizons and understand that through art seeming differences melt away. Maybe that’s because when you’re traveling it’s easier to let yourself go a bit and just take in what surrounds you – whether that’s using local spray paint meant for cars or sipping a coffee in the shadows of Fogo’s volcano.
Alice Pasquini
All Pictures © By the Artist