5 Years »The Pop-Up City«!

13. Mai 2013
1 min read


The Pop-Up City aus Amsterdam feiern ihr fünfjähriges Bestehen. Gratulation nach Amsterdam – auf die nächsten Jahre! Wer gerade in Amsterdam ist, sollte die Feier „The Pop-Up City Live“ auf keinen Fall verpassen.

The Pop-Up City Live

Tuesday May 21st, 2013

De Brakke Grond Amsterdam

The Pop-Up City is a leading international blog about urban culture, design and lifestyle. On Tuesday May 21st the blog celebrates its fifth birthday with The Pop-Up City Live, a refreshing event at De Brakke Grond in Amsterdam. Founders Jeroen Beekmans and Joop de Boer, also known for the infamous PechaKucha Nights in Amsterdam, will bring the blog to life on stage, and take the audience on a trip along ideas, stories and trends that shape the city of today and tomorrow.

The Pop-Up City Live will be an amazingly diverse night, with the latest surprises from the blogosphere, digital tours of Skopje and Venice, ‘Ready Steady Cook’ with ingredients from the urban nature, an interview on neighborhood currencies and new economic models,  Amsterdam’s most successful community bloggers, a short documentary about the only bike messenger in Brussels, audiovisual candies, and much more. The Deer Friends will take care of musical intermezzos. In short, The Pop-Up City Live will be a colorful and experimental night about the city that you’ve never experienced before.

The event is curated and hosted by The Pop-Up City, and organized in collaboration with De Brakke Grond and citybooks, an exhibition about European cities that is currently on show at De Brakke Grond. The Pop-Up City Live will take place in the Rode Zaal, which opens at 20:30. The event starts at 21:00. Tickets are available on presale for €6 and at the door for €8 (drink included!). Please visit popupcity.net/tickets to buy a ticket online.

More information, as well as the entire program of The Pop-Up City Live can be found at popupcity.net/live.

via Mail | all images © The Pop-Up City


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