The Grifters, das Kollektiv um den in Paris lebenden Bulgaren Good Guy Boris kommen diesen Monat nach Berlin. Unter dem Titel Graffiti Without Graffiti findet in der Urban Spree Galerie an der Warschauer Straße eine Ausstellung und das Release des gleichnamigen Buches statt.
Heute wurde der Video Teaser zu Ausstellung und Buchrelease veröffentlicht und er verspricht einen großartigen Besuch The Grifters in der Hauptstadt.
Das Buch Graffiti Without Graffiti wird in einer limitierten Auflage von 500 Exemplaren, exklusiv für die kommende Ausstellung in Berlin, erscheinen. Es ist nummeriert und handsigniert durch die Künstler 1992 Collective, BADYEAR85, Eewan, Good Guy Boris, James Hattrick & Thorfine. Das 200 Seiten starke Buch ist ein Lithography-Print auf 170g Offset-Paper mit Hardcover und spezieller Sammler-Buchhülle. Für alle die es nicht zur Vernissage nach Berlin schaffen, kann das Buch ab dem 15. Juli online vorbestellt werden.
Offizieller Text zum Buch: A landmark in the saga of The Grifters, and the first project released by them as an art collective. Each artist has been challenged with a task, to use only 36 pages to show us graffiti without the ability to depict the graffiti itself. The mix of exclusive footage, confrontational illustration and sophisticated text, helps reveal the charade surrounding Graffiti culture. This book will be the closest explanation to date of what The Grifters is truly about, with a limited edition print run of only 500 copies. The book will be presented exclusively during the exhibition “GRAFFITI WITHOUT GRAFFITI” held at Urban Spree Galerie in Berlin, Germany. Save the date of 16 July 2015 at 19h and join The Grifters for this milestone exhibition and book release, where you will have the chance to meet the artists and enjoy the good vibes that The Grifters bring with them wherever they go.
Offizieller Text zur Ausstellung: The name of the exhibition reveals the rationale behind the evolution of The Grifters. This work is a comprehensive and psychoanalytical dissection of the experiences found in the graffiti culture and lifestyle, without the graffiti itself, effectively mirroring the credo of The Grifters. This exhibition is the embodiment of something that The Grifters have been documenting and doing, for almost a decade. The highlight of this exhibition is the limited edition book “GRAFFITI WITOUT GRAFFITI”, a landmark in the saga of The Grifters, and the first project released by them as an art collective. Each artist has been challenged with a task, to use only 36 pages to show us graffiti without the ability to depict the graffiti itself. The mix of exclusive footage, confrontational illustration and sophisticated text, helps reveal the charade surrounding Graffiti culture. This book will be the closest explanation to date of what The Grifters is truly about, with a limited edition print run of only 500 copies. The book will be presented exclusively during the exhibition “GRAFFITI WITHOUT GRAFFITI” held at Urban Spree Galerie in Berlin, Germany. Save the date of 16 July 2015 at 19h and join The Grifters for this milestone exhibition and book release, where you will have the chance to meet the artists and enjoy the good vibes that The Grifters bring with them wherever they go.
Alle Bilder © bei The Grifters. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung.