Der in Berlin lebende Künstler Vermibus ist der internationalen Route der größten Fashion Weeks über New York, London, Milan und Paris gefolgt und hat sein neuestes Projekt „Unveiling Beauty“ in den Städten realisiert.
„Unveiling Beauty“ thematisiert die oberflächige Schönheit und Perfektion der Modewelt und Werbung. Mit Lösungsmitteln löst er die gedruckten Bilder der Modeschönheiten auf und bringt die neuen Bilder wieder zurück in den öffentlichen Raum.
Videobeschreibung: „As benchmark events in the fashion industry, Fashion Weeks produce and dictate specific standards of aesthetics and beauty, and market them via their advertising: one more strategy in the globalisation of Western consumer culture.
The beauty-cult is as firmly established on the catwalks of every Fashion Week as it is in the advertising they generate. The fashion industry uses bodies as tools in order to sell goods and encourage consumption. The image of the body in advertising materials constrains and oppresses an indi- vidual’s true beauty, even as it conceals it behind the rhetoric of its own liberation.
In its new project, Unveiling Beauty, Vermibus re ected on this use of the body, and on standards of beauty imposed from above, within the framework of the Fashion Week circuit, via a series of public interventions.
Unveiling Beauty, as the name suggests, reveals the beauty that lies hidden behind the make-up and the photographic retouching that are used both within the fashion industry and in the way it publically stages itself via advertising.
In September 2015, Vermibus has followed the route of the most in uential Fashion Weeks, travelling to New York, London, Milan and Paris. And he analysed and revealed the true beauty that was hidden behind the various campaigns that are imposed on the public spaces of these cities.“
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Titelbild: Vermibus / Video Screenshot (Vimeo). Danke an die OPEN WALLS Gallery Berlin für das Video.