Polizeiabsperrung+ Zaun = Bank. Simpel und richtig gut! Gesehen im Urban Guide for Alternate Use (thanks to the authors of the altuseguide. you do a great job with your website!). Die Bank befindet sich in New York (Spanish Harlem).
The elegance of this arrangement is truly stunning: cantilevered seating courtesy of NYPD barricades. Initially these chaps couldn’t understand why I, some dotty 30-something Greenpointer, was so fascinated by their creation. Once I explained respectfully (and made it clear they would not be in the New York Daily News) they had plenty to say.
The gent on the right claimed credit for this creation— and stated that the NYPD gives him plenty of guff about it. He told yours truly they come by regularly and roust him from his “bench”. Because it is their property. He then pointed to a NYPD squad car across the street and exclaimed: There they are. Can’t you see them hating me?!? (newyorkshitty.com) tb-test