The Urban Guide for Alternate Use was created by Scott Burnham to serve as both catalogue and catalyst for design resourcefulness in the city. The Guide features ways in which people are treating the city not as the end of an urban design process, but the beginning of one, and then take it upon themselves to change the use of an object or area in the city to serve another need.
Finding alternate uses for urban objects brings our natural resourcefulness and re-use into the streets. Alternate use is about casting a different vote for something’s role in our lives – it may have been installed for function X, but we decide that Y would be more fitting, or simply more fun.
When our resourcefulness is applied to the world around us, less materials are needed, less money is spent, and an abundance of options can come from a limited landscape. Cities hold the greatest potential for human resourcefulness, containing vast amounts of opportunities, objects, areas and structures designed for one purpose, but ideally suited for other uses when personal resourcefulness is applied.
The Urban Guide for Alternaute is a constantly growing resource of alternate urban use and reuse of our existing objects and areas. Subscribe to the RSS feed, visit often, and most importantly, send us any images or links you have of alternate uses for things in the city. Email us: altuseguide (at) gmail (.) com
The Urban Guide for Alternate Use is part of the Exchange Radical Moments
via: Mail, merci Florian Rivière!