Nach einer knappen Woche Camp werden morgen (Samstag, 19.11.11) die fertigen Arbeiten des WASH Festival ausgestellt. Mit dabei sind: Shamsia (Afghanistan) / Alaniz (Argentinia) / Dhear (Mexico) / NAF (Peru) / Zezao (Brazil) / Billy (England) / Tika (Swiss / Global Nomad) / Sago (Italy) / Bitte alles ändern (Germany) / KLUB7 (Germany) / Mittenimwald (Germany) in Hamburg.
Danach werden die Bilder verkauft und die Erlöse fließen an Viva con Agua für ein Projekt in Äthiopien. Bei Interesse einfach heute oder morgen vorbei kommen oder Nachricht ans Festival schicken.
„On Saturday 19th of November, opening hours 12-20hrs, we will show the great work that developed throughout the WASH Social Art Festival. Not only one masterpiece of work of each artist, also smaller pieces, shirts (thanks to our sponsor Knowledge Cotton) and even shoes (thanks to our sponsor KEDS) can be bought in the WASH Camp. Schulterblatt 36, which becomes the gallery on that day.
On some of the pieces we already got offers, but we want to give a wider publicity the chance to see the work and also make an offer to buy a piece. Half of the proceeds stays with the artists, the other half goes to Viva con Agua and Welthungerhilfe for their actual WASH project in Ethiopia.
If you are interested in one of the big pieces, please send us an e-mail to [email protected]. The pieces are about 6-8m long and 2-3m high, painted on seperated wood-pieces.“
Bilder von der Arbeit gibt es hier.
Bild: Work of Alaniz
Fotos: Sebastian Asiedu