Kaugummibilder vom englsichen StreetArt Künstler Ben Wilson. Wilson malt Miniaturen auf alte Kaugummines auf der Straße. Hier gibt es ein Video von BBC welches Wilson bei der Arbeit in den Straßen von London zeigt. Hier gibt es mehr Bilder.
„For the past six years, Ben Wilson has spent days on end scouring pavements for discarded gum that he can bring to life. Mr Wilson has created more than 8,000 works of art this way – each one photographed and catalogued for his archive. A picture can take anything from two hours to three days to complete. As well as producing his own compositions he takes commissions from members of the public. The Royal Society of Chemistry recently asked him to paint depictions of each of the 118 known elements.“ (BBC)
Wilson hätte wohl große Freude an der Kaugummiwand in Seattle.
via: pop up city
Bilder: flickr: rahid1 / jansos